However, long-time fans such as myself, are seriously questioning John Green and the quality of his novels.
Don't get me wrong: I LOVE John... and Hank! The Vlogbrothers were one of the first YouTube channels that I've ever watched, and being part of the Nerdfighteria is one of the most important parts of my life. And I am so happy that both brothers have so much success. John especially, with TFiOS, has remained quite humble and has stayed very much true himself through all his successes. So, I want you to know there is no bias in this discussion. I respect and love these guys so much.
This being said, there are a ton of extremely over-sensitive fans of TFiOS and John. These fangirls can really bias to any form of criticism towards the book and towards John himself. I think it's great that the fanbase has grown so rapidly in the wake of TFiOS and that a lot more people have been picking up John's other titles. More power to you! Just a tip: please don't react rashly or rudely towards others who have differing opinions from yours. And if someone insults or criticizes John Green's writing, just remember that John himself has admitted that he is not that great of an author. In a Tumblr post he writes, "There are a lot of weaknesses in my books! I am not that great of a writer. I am happy to acknowledge these weaknesses." John's great at accepting critique. So obsessive fangirls? Hopefully, you can follow suit.
Okay, intro over. Let's get into the topic of discussion.
Get this: there is a boy who seeks after a girl. Often these characters have the same motivations and ideas. The boy is white and nerdy and lame and lonely and he obsessively seeks this other white, pixie, dream girl. The girl is misunderstood, and hipster, wild, and moody. Both the girl and the boy are outrageous pretentious and believe the world revolves around them. Pudge and Alaska, Quentin and Margo, and even the big couple Hazel and Gus are examples.
I feel that each Green book constantly relies on dialogue. Often, the two main characters have an above-average vocabulary and constantly quote some book (so pretentious). There is a lot of speech and talking. It doesn't seem realistic that teenagers can talk in such an advanced way. Don't get me wrong, I know A LOT of really intelligent teenagers. All I'm saying is that it is highly unrealistic that two teenagers who barely know each other can go off on some deep and epiphanic rant. And if you marathon read John's books, you will encounter a lot of these profound and divine tangents. I don't know, it's just that those intellectual speeches get so annoying.
Why do all his characters act of philosophical and poetic? I feel that Green is trying way to hard to write up this quirky and eccentric characters... It get's to a point where I just get angry at these characters. They are all the same! Selfish, and sullen, and self-brooding, life-questioning, and over-philosophic. It just seems fake and reused.
Here's a link to John talking about TFiOS and discussing his novels:
Here's a video by Beckie0 describing her thoughts about John and TFiOS:
John Green's Tumblr:
PHOTO: The Fault In Our Stars by Viria
VIDEO: "I Dislike 'The Fault In Our Stars'" by Beckie0
Yes, this is an unpopular opinion... Alot more people share this perspective than you'd think!
ReplyDeleteYes definitely! After the initial hype and raving died down, a lot of people have been bringing out their more negative reviews and thoughts about TFiOS and other Green novels.